Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday Holidays

I am never quite sure what to think of or do with Monday holidays. Only a small percentage of people actually get them off, and the ones who don't spend the entire day at work doing as little as possible in a kind of universal mock protest that they are not a part of said percentage. While I would rather be home with a nice cup of tea or a well mixed Manhattan, really the random Mondays off tend to be at least kind of quiet, which we really don't usually get often enough.

I have slacked off a little in my quest to be a little less consumerist and have bought several things in the last, oh, week and a half. But I did it, and there is no changing it now, bills are paid, meals have been eaten, and feeling guilt would be silly. At least I can say that the things purchased are probably not likely to sit on a shelf somewhere gathering dust, and there is something to that.

I need to get back on a system of improvement though. Not spending related, but in improving myself and my surroundings. Getting the mildew out of the bathroom is high on the list - ewww. Further down but important are setting systems in place to track budgets. So far I have at least been collecting all receipts in a box, but at the end of January I will actually have to do something with them.

But unlike blogs that are filled with intentions that never go anywhere I plan on at least bleaching the tub tonight, I may not bleach it well, but at least it is a start.

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