Thursday, April 23, 2009

Barriers to Productivity

My mind cannot seem to sit still and focus. I have begun to wonder if the work day isn't set out all wrong. There are so many points during the day where I find myself motivated to work on things that are not necessarily the things that I am "supposed" to be doing right then. While I am at work in my office working on a project I am able to stay very motivated and on-task, sometimes to the point of staying past business hours because I am on a roll and it is just easier not to stop. What is difficult however is jumping into the next project. When I have several things to do, but when I prioritize them they frequently either come out even, or I have things that need input from others at a time they are unavailable to work on it. What is truly odd is that the projects in my private life, the book I am reading, updating my blog, these things, seem to pop in my head and come to the forefront of my mind when I am not really technically in a position to indulge them. On the same note I find myself being in the perfect mind-set to work on tedious office projects in the evening at home where I should be on home and family matters. It seems to have gotten switched around in my head somehow. Odd.

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